that for whatever reason makes it so my pump will not run. Went through possible culprits and when I opened the Dragon center it gave me a quick notice it had changed the settings to recommended ones which turns on some Zero fan profile. Seeing temps rise I jumped up and grabbed a little laptop psu looking thing that I have setup with a molex/sata cable (with a fan controller on one) and powered the pump that way. I went back again and checked bios, back to windows problem persisted, but this time I heard my pump which is on the pump header stop making the slight hum.
Looked in bios temps were a nice cool 29c, get into windows temps were good for about 30 seconds then BOOM 90c again. Thinking it was the waterblock somehow getting lose or shifting I pulled it off and did a remount. Anyways I noticed right away that the out side of my cpu block was burning hot (tube and fitting). Well today I was doing a quick top off of fluid (just refilled the loop) and noticed it smelt hot, checked temps and the idle was 90c! I think I have it at shutdown at 92c.
Anyways I normally set the light profile and have it save the settings then disable it from running at boot. So first off I know this software is junk, I just have it for the mystic lighting (also junk).